Dramatic Dialogue

 Hi! Welcome back to my blog. I'm back with a video/script of two of my classmates and me acting out a small play. For this class, Drama, we've been reading and watching a few plays. One of them, A Doll's House, has to do with this project. There are three characters in our play, the therapist named Brenda, played by (https://aaggcelabschool.blogspot.com/), Christina, played by (https://madgcelabschool.blogspot.com/) and Nora, played by me. We talk about the issues that Nora, the woman who is one of the main characters in A Doll's House, and discuss them between the therapist and Christina. Christina was the Queen of Sweden in the 1600s, and Nora was a housewife. Throughout the entire play, Nora only listened to her husband and did whatever he said. That was until she did something bad, and realized that their relationship was actually quite shallow. He got really upset with her, and she realized that they don't ever talk about serious things like people in relationships usually do. She didn't know who she was, so she left her husband to figure things out for herself. We've been talking about how gender roles were for women in the past. How they were supposed to act, speak, dress, and assign themselves based off of our assigned sex. 

This is our play.

This is the link to the script if you'd like to see it: 


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