Taxonomy: Velociraptors

 Hiya! Welcome back to my blog. Today I'm posting about velociraptors. This might be kind of a boring read, but it's about velociraptors so I'd like to think that it's automatically cooler. When my teacher introduced this project to us, he asked us for 3-5 of our favorite animals. Velociraptors were one for me, and he chose that for me. Before he had fully introduced the project to us, he was like "I'm excited about this one, we've never done an extinct animal before," and I got really scared. But it's cool, I think my project turned out pretty good. Anyways, taxonomy is the classification of organisms, and there are 7 main ones. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. 

Here's some basic information about velociraptors before we get into it.

Other names for the Velociraptor: Swift seizer, Speedy Thief

Maximum speed: 40 mph

Lived (time): 100.5 million years ago - 66 million years ago in the Cretaceous Period.

Where did they live?: Velociraptors lived mostly in Asia, there were fossils found in Russia, China, and Mongolia. 

Extinction: 70 to 80 million years ago

Weight: 7kg, which is around 15 lbs

Fully grown ones can weigh up to 15kg, which is around 33lbs

Length: 1.8m, which is around 5.9 feet

Fully grown ones can grow up to 2m, which is around 6.6 feet

Diet: Raptors are carnivores. Anything meat.

More Info: Raptors are the most bird-like dinosaurs ever discovered. They had special little bones in their wrists that helped them move their wrists sideways and fold into their bodies like birds. The first known Velociraptor fossil was found in the Mongolian Gobi Desert in 1922. Velociraptors killed their prey the same as eagles do nowadays, by separating one animal from the herd and killing them. 

Velociraptor Behavior: Velociraptors’ were nocturnal, and they hunted by ambushing their prey. They’d hide in vegetation waiting for the vulnerability of their prey.


(The image below this caption on the right is called "Velociraptor Skeleton" from mharrsc on Creative Commons)

Kingdom: Animalia (red circle) - Velociraptors are eukaryotic, which separate them from bacteria, and they digest their food with internal organs, which sets them apart from plants and algae. 

Phylum: Chordata (orange circle) - At some point in their lives, animals in the Chordate category have had these four: a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post-anal tail.

Class: Reptilia (no circle)- Though it is feathered, it still classifies as a reptile. They have dry and scaly skin, which is not shown here in this picture because it is a skeleton.

Order: Dinosauria (green circle) - The Velociraptor is classified as a Dinosaur because its legs stand directly under its body, unlike reptiles, whose legs are to the sides of them.

Family: Dromaeosauridae (no circle) - Feathered theropod dinosaurs, which are generally small to medium-sized dinosaurs. Again, you can’t see this because it’s bones.

Genus: Velociraptor. 

Species: Velociraptorinae - Refer to Genus.

The image on the left is a collage mosaic of the image on the right that I made using comic magazines. I honestly expected it to look a lot better but I have no skill when it comes to gluing and pasting things down on a sheet of paper. 

The next part of this project are Set Theory Statements. Set theory statements are used in mathematics. It's a branch of mathematics that are based off sets, and it's usually a collection of objects. For mine, I used three organisms. One, the velociraptor. And the other two, are two of my classmates animals. The Sea Bunny and the African Lion. We were paired in groups of 3, and that group was mine, so I just used those three for my statements.

I also used the same group for a venn diagram, which will be below the set theory statements.

"Dinosaur Collage" - NG

Set Theory Statements:

U (The universal set, it has every element in it) = Velociraptor, Sea Bunny, Lion

Velociraptor ∈ Dinosaurs - Velociraptor, Lion is a thing in the set Chordata.

Velociraptor ⊂ Dinosaurs - Everything in Velociraptors is included in Dinosaurs.

Velociraptor ∉ Mammal - Velociraptor and Sea Bunny is not a thing in the set Mammal

Velociraptor ⊂ Reptile - Velociraptor is a subset of Reptile

X ⋂ Y - The stuff that exists in both X and Y at the same time

{∅} - The Velociraptor, Sea Bunny, and Lion can’t fly.

"Venn Diagram" - NG

The venn diagram on the left compares the three organisms from the same group I mentioned earlier. 

Anyways, thanks for checking in on my blog, I'll see you in the next post!

Here are two of my classmates' blog links, they were featured in this project as the lion and the sea bunny.

Here's their projects: (Sea bunny) (Lion)



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