Hotel? Trivago. Reality? Disappointing.

Welcome back to my blog! This time, I'm back around for another project on philosophy. In my class called Who Am I, we learn about philosophy and why it's important to us and why we use it. For our AP (Action Project), which is a project we do at the end of the Unit to piece all of our information together and put it into one big thing, like an essay, podcast or video. For Unit 1 of the class Who Am I? which is about philosophy, our teacher told us to do a podcast to represent everything we've learned so far. Here's mine.

(I hope you get the pun I made in the title...)


I get bored. Really, really bored. The majority of people in this world exist on a schedule. The daily 9-5. Get up, go to work or school, get home, go to sleep. Do it again. Every day. Everyone’s always looking forward to the weekend... just to repeat it all over again. This even includes me. Every minute, every hour, every week, every month, every year. Everything is really repetitive. It seems as though everything happens for a reason, and not just by pure coincidence. When you think about it, it’s all kinda just... depressing. Reality is, in all honesty, quite disappointing.

For however long I’ve known, I’ve always enjoyed reading. My obsession with really long (3 - 500 paged) chapter books started in 6th grade. I had an injury and I wasn’t able to attend gym for the entire semester, so I used to just go to the library at my school and read. I had at least 3 chapter books that I would lug around, along with my school stuff every week. My personal favorites were the Lockwood & Co. series, The Maximum Ride series, and the Cinder series. I used to read them over and over. I believe that the protagonist lives in those books are much more interesting than those of humans on Earth because they don’t exist on the same repetitive schedule that we do.

I believe that reality is disappointing because of some things that I’ve had to go through. Life has been harsher to me then I expected it to be and I’m finally growing up and realizing this world isn’t what I thought it was going to be.

For this podcast, our teacher wanted to take us outside the school to get information from outside sources. So, my class and I went on Thursday, February 6th to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, and the Pastor, Matt Fitzgerald, said some interesting things about this world that really got me thinking more about my belief/ truth. His question when we first started off was “Do you think we live in an enchanted world?” When he asked this question, the first thing I thought about was fairies, elves, unicorns, and all that jazz. Then I realized that his question probably wasn’t as shallow as it sounded. I didn’t actually say anything, but my answer was no. The meaning of enchantment, or enchanting is literally “delightfully charming or attractive.” In that case, this world is not enchanted. It might be to some people who have just started living it. It’s like a newborn baby, they don’t know anything. They don’t know that it’s not normal for people to not be able to fly or have the ability to lift a car. Pastor Matt also said that time has been emptied of its significance. He said that in this world, to most people, June 12th is the same as December 25th. After some of us answered his question of a disenchanted world, he answered his own question and said it was pretty sad. His belief of our world and on reality seems to be on the same lines as mine.

Our class, which is called Who Am I? is about philosophy, which is the study of nature and existence. We’ve been studying philosophers from Ancient Greece and what their theories on basically everything is and how they relate to our class. Plato is one of them. He was featured in the book “Sophie’s World.” Sophie’s World is a book about this (14?) year old girl who gets these mysterious letters from someone about philosophy, what it is and why it’s important.  We’ve been reading the book prior to this project. Plato believed that reality isn’t found through our senses but through our wisdom and that our senses are untrustworthy. Plato also believed that true reality was only achieved through intelligence, that your senses kind of keep you limited to a certain point.

Parmenides is another Greek philosopher that was in the book “Sophie’s World,” and his theories about reality were very interesting. He believed our perception of the everyday world is mistaken and the actual world is “One being.” He believed all the realities of this world that we believe are only One.

Another philosopher that we’ve studied is named Carl Jung, and his belief was about the conscious and the unconscious. His theory has the iceberg type deal, how a little bit is visible on the surface and the majority of it is underwater. The first layer, the only layer that’s above water, is called the conscious mind, or ego. That focuses on thoughts and perceptions. The second layer, which is underwater, is called the personal conscious, and it mostly focuses on thoughts, memories, and emotions. The third layer is the unconscious layer, where we store our phobias, urges and memories. The fourth and final layer is the collective unconscious, which is the knowledge that our entire species know how to do automatically, like for example, breathing.

Like I’ve said before, I’d say some things people would consider harsh has happened to me that has made me lose some hope for this world. That it could ever be “enchanted” for me again.

Mark, Joshua J. “Parmenides.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 8 Feb. 2020,

Mcleod, Saul. “Carl Jung.” Carl Jung | Simply Psychology, 1 Jan. 1970,

“Parmenides.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Feb. 2020,

"Plato (430-347 B.C.)." Drexel University Information Technology,


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