Water Filter

Water Filter Sketch NG 2019
In school, in my STEAM class, this week's assignment was to build water filters. Building up to this point, we've learned about a lot of water-related things. We carried water from the Chicago river My question is: how can I make my water cleaner, no dirt or any big chunks that
you can visibly see? To make my water filter, I used two different types of sand - aquarium sand and golden sand, I also used gravel and a coffee filter. For the base of the filter, I used a mug and a Coca-Cola can. Starting with a Coca-Cola can, I added sand and gravel inside, then I poked a hole in the bottom and added a coffee filter so that it could catch any potential sand.

Before Water NG 2019
 When I was filtering the water, I realized that it took a very long time for it all to come out, and I think I lost some water in between the process. The pH in my water before I filtered it was 7, and after was 7.2. I'm not sure if it's because the coffee filter broke in the middle of the water and some sand fell in while it was being filtered. I made a little sketch of my water filter and labeled it accordingly.

I filtered the water twice, the first time the pH came out as 7.2 and the second as 7. Maybe because some sand fell inside the bowl. My water became more acidic after the second try for filtering. Converting the pH to h+, using the log button on my calculator, I got 0.845. The water before it looked cleaner because it was inside a clear cup. The water looked very foggy. I think maybe because I took a picture of it with the flash on, and then before the water didn't have that.
After Water NG 2019
Water Filter NG & MD (kinda) 2019
PH scaling NG 2019


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